I was surprised to see that the Los Angeles Times, one of the most liberal newspapers in the country, had in it’s editorial section a column that sticks up for the County Seal, under attack by the ACLU. (You need to register with the times to read the column).

I’ve been listening to Dennis Prager today, as I usually do. The show is completely devoted to discussion of the seal controversy. Prager is a devout Jew, and has someone sitting in for him so that he could lead a protest aimed at keeping the seal as it has been for the past 47 years. According to Prager, over 1000 people showed up to support him, many ascribing to Atheism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Agnosticism. I support his decision to hold a rally, and wish I could have been there. Those who hate Christianity so much that they will attempt to rewrite history in order to wipe out any mention of it’s influence in our nation’s history can’t be allowed to win their self-declared war. Prager rightly compares the ACLU to the Taliban, who blew up 3000 year old statues of the Buddha to rewrite the history of Afghanistan.

I’m a proud listener to Dennis Prager, and appreciate his support of Christianity in this country. The greatest supporters of Jews and Israel are American Evangelical Christians, and it’s nice to see that support reciprocated. You can listen to his show online weekdays between Noon and 3PM here.