Just wondering how my blog displays on the screen of average readers. I run at 1600×1200 at home and 1280×1024 at work, it looks as intended on both. When I’m at my parents, I use an old laptop running at 800×600 and it doesn’t look good, in my opinion, because the entry area is too narrow.

What screen resolution do you set you monitor to? (Closest Approximation)
Higher than 1600×1200

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2 thoughts on “Resolution

  1. Crap, that resolution is better than 800×600, but still not optimal. I just tried it and the posts seemes to look fine except where I added pictures (like the Pop vs. Soda map). Maybe when I get bored at work sometime I can try to tweak it to give a little more room to the posts and a little less to the the sidebars and the space between.

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