Ain’t That About the Stupidest Thing?
I hear on the radio that tomorrow is supposed to be a “gas out” day. In protest of above $2.00/gallon prices, people are calling for a one day boycott. That’s smart, it just ensures that they can raise the prices…
Killing Boredom
I’ve got NOTHING to do at work today. I often don’t have enough work to be busy all day, but yesterday and today I’ve had literally nothing. In my free time, I decided to toy around with some free forums…
That Poor Childless Couple
I learned of this article from Astrosmith, a commenter on Vox Popoli. I would have never guessed that someone would be clueless as to how that works, let alone two people, and married to each other. I didn’t appreciate how…
Racing towards Gomorra
With the state of the world today, it was only a matter of time before this would happen. I pray that it will be reversed quickly. Under “Currently Reading” in my “bookshelf” section to the right, I have Israel: the…
Almost Gassed
I wonder where this came from? Sounds like pretty good evidence that there are/were chemical weapons in Iraq to me. Now let’s see if the mainstream media talks about it at all.
Reverse Course
I often speak ill of Democrats, and for the most part have little respect for their politics. Senator Zell Miller (D-Georgia), however, is one Democrat I have a lot of respect for. In this article that I learned about from…
A Word from the Religion of Peace
This article came to my attention via The Ruminator. I’m, in a sense, shocked that Hizbollah would condemn any act of violence perpetrated against any westerner. Their very reason for being is to perpetrate violence. If the article hadn’t given…
Down With the Man!
I stumbled across a cool post on someone else’s blog while scouring what I could find about the spam blocker I mentioned in the previous post. He points out another cool feature in
Fighting Spam
In the last few days, I’ve noticed more and more spam comments to this blog. Luckily, most of them have been to older posts that I doubt get read much, but nonetheless I’ve had to do some de-spamming. I found…
News In Brief
Not Green!
I found this via The Ruminator, who stole it from Ian What Color is Your Brain? brought to you by Quizilla
Worse than Animals
I’ve seen the video of American Nick Berg being slaughtered by terrorists that hit the news yesterday. These people are so vile, so evil, that to call them animals is an injustice to animals. I think it is important for…