Today’s Morning Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. “Why sit we here until we die?” – 2 Kings 7:3 Dear reader, this little book was mainly intended for the edification of believers, but if you are yet unsaved, our heart yearns over…
Spurgeon: Evening
Today’s Evening Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. “To whom belongest thou?” – 1 Samuel 30:13 No neutralities can exist in religion. We are either ranked under the banner of Prince Immanuel, to serve and fight His battles, or we are vassals…
Spurgeon: Morning
Today’s Morning Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. “Thou shalt love thy neighbour.” – Matthew 5:43 “Love thy neighbour.” Perhaps he rolls in riches, and thou art poor, and living in thy little cot side-by-side with his lordly mansion; thou seest every…
Spurgeon: Evening
Today’s Evening Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. “Abide in Me.” – John 15:4 Communion with Christ is a certain cure for every ill. Whether it be the wormwood of woe, or the cloying surfeit of earthly delight, close fellowship with the…
Spurgeon: Morning
Today’s Morning Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. “Yea, He is altogether lovely.” – Song of Solomon 5:16 The superlative beauty of Jesus is all-attracting; it is not so much to be admired as to be loved. He is more than pleasant…
Spurgeon: Evening
Today’s Evening Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. “She called his name Ben-oni (son of sorrow), but his father called him Benjamin (son of my right hand).” – Genesis 35:18 To every matter there is a bright as well as a dark…
Spurgeon: Morning
Today’s Morning Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. “We must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.” – Acts 14:22 God’s people have their trials. It was never designed by God, when He chose His people, that they should be…
Spurgeon: Evening
Today’s Evening Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. “lt is better to trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in man.” – Psalm 118:8 Doubtless the reader has been tried with the temptation to rely upon the things which are seen,…
Spurgeon: Morning
Today’s Morning Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. Have faith in God.” – Mark 11:22 Faith is the foot of the soul by which it can march along the road of the commandments. Love can make the feet move more swiftly; but…
Spurgeon: Evening
Today’s Evening Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. “Before destruction the heart of man is haughty.” – Proverbs 18:12 It is an old and common saying, that “coming events cast their shadows before them;” the wise man teaches us that a haughty…
Spurgeon: Morning
Today’s Morning Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. “Ye must be born again.” – John 3:7 Regeneration is a subject which lies at the very basis of salvation, and we should be very diligent to take heed that we really are “born…
Spurgeon: Evening
Today’s Evening Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. “Say unto my soul, I am thy salvation.” – Psalm 35:3 What does this sweet prayer teach me? It shall be my evening’s petition; but first let it yield me an instructive meditation. The…
Spurgeon: Morning
Today’s Morning Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. “Let us not sleep, as do others.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:6 There are many ways of promoting Christian wakefulness. Among the rest, let me strongly advise Christians to converse together concerning the ways of…
Spurgeon: Evening
Today’s Evening Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. “Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ.” – Ephesians 3:8 The apostle Paul felt…
Spurgeon: Morning
Today’s Morning Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. “But all the Israelites went down to the Philistines, to sharpen every man his share, and his coulter, and his ax, and his mattock.” – 1 Samuel 13:20 We are engaged in a great…