Today’s Evening Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. “He expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.” —Luke 24:27 The two disciples on the road to Emmaus had a most profitable journey. Their companion and teacher was the best…
Spurgeon: Morning
Today’s Morning Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. “There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.” – Hebrews 4:9 How different will be the state of the believer in heaven from what it is here! Here he is born to…
Spurgeon: Evening
Today’s Evening Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. “And it came to pass in an evening-tide, that David arose from off his bed, and walked upon the roof of the king’s house.” – 2 Samuel 11:2 At that hour David saw Bathsheba.…
Spurgeon: Morning
Today’s Morning Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. “And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion.” – Revelation 14:1 The apostle John was privileged to look within the gates of heaven, and in describing what he saw, he…
Spurgeon: Evening
Today’s Evening Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. “The Messiah shall be cut off, but not for himself.” – Daniel 9:26 Blessed be His name, there was no cause of death in Him. Neither original nor actual sin had defiled Him, and…
Spurgeon: Morning
Today’s Morning Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. “I will help thee, saith the Lord.” – Isaiah 41:14 This morning let us hear the Lord Jesus speak to each one of us: “I will help thee.” “It is but a small thing…
Spurgeon: Evening
Today’s Evening Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. “But I give myself unto prayer.” – Psalm 109:4 Lying tongues were busy against the reputation of David, but he did not defend himself; he moved the case into a higher court, and pleaded…
Spurgeon: Morning
Today’s Morning Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. “Do as thou hast said.” – 2 Samuel 7:25 God’s promises were never meant to be thrown aside as waste paper; He intended that they should be used. God’s gold is not miser’s money,…
Spurgeon: Evening
Today’s Evening Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. “I have yet to speak on God’s behalf.” – Job 36:2 We ought not to court publicity for our virtue, or notoriety for our zeal; but, at the same time, it is a sin…
Spurgeon: Morning
Today’s Morning Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. “Ye are Christ’s.” – 1 Corinthians 3:23 Ye are Christ’s.” You are His by donation, for the Father gave you to the Son; His by His bloody purchase, for He counted down the price…
Spurgeon: Evening
Today’s Evening Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. “I have prayed for thee.” – Luke 22:32 How encouraging is the thought of the Redeemer’s never- ceasing intercession for us. When we pray, He pleads for us; and when we are not praying,…
Spurgeon: Morning
Today’s Morning Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. “These have no root.” – Luke 8:13 My soul, examine thyself this morning by the light of this text. Thou hast received the word with joy; thy feelings have been stirred and a lively…
Spurgeon: Evening
Today’s Evening Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. “In my flesh shall I see God.” – Job 19:26 Mark the subject of Job’s devout anticipation “I shall see God.” He does not say, “I shall see the saints”—though doubtless that will be…
Spurgeon: Morning
Today’s Morning Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. “There is laid up for me a crown of righteousness.” – 2 Timothy 4:8 Doubting one! thou hast often said, “I fear I shall never enter heaven.” Fear not! all the people of God…
Spurgeon: Evening
Today’s Evening Devotional, by Charles Spurgeon. “Serve the Lord with gladness.” – Psalm 100:2 Delight in divine service is a token of acceptance. Those who serve God with a sad countenance, because they do what is unpleasant to them, are…