In my last post, I introduced my new hobby tinkering with the Arduino microcontroller. I also mentioned a timer that I’m building to power some lamps in my living room. Since the Arduino doesn’t have a clock built into it,…
Learning Programming with the Arduino Microcontroller
A few weeks ago, I got my hands on an Arduino starter kit. The Arduino is a microcontroller that is capable of doing a lot of really cool things. The starter kit included the Arduino board, a collection of electronic…
The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
This post is a bit long. If you wish to skip the story behind the question that instigated this post, feel free to move down to the tweet that is embedded below and begin there. Last night I went to…
My Twitter Philosophy
I’ve been on twitter for a while, two years as a regular user, almost six since I first created my account. I think I tend to be a typical user as far as who I follow and what I tweet.…
What it Would Take to Get Me to Vote Romney
About a month ago, I posted my refutation to some of the more idiotic things said by people who want me to vote Mitt Romney. I’m about to share some of the same thoughts, but also explain what it would…
The Alpine INE-S920HD: My Thoughts
My family has been on several long road trips over the last two years. By long, I mean it takes at least a day to get where we’re going. in the case of a trip to Phoenix, it took three…
My Evolution of Media Consumption
I’m a media junkie. Whether it’s music, TV shows, or movies, I like it. I’m especially fond of podcasting. Not only do I produce a podcast, I love listening to them. Several years ago, I bought an Apple TV. I…
Podcasting Tips: Interviewing Guests
Since May 2008, I’ve been doing a theological podcast over at my ministry website called Echo Zoe Radio. It’s a monthly show, usually about an hour long. I always interview someone, and guests and topics vary greatly (though always within…
My First Major Twitter Achievement
Yesterday I posted a tweet that ended up being seen by a few guys with a lot of followers and before I knew it, it was getting a lot of retweets. My experience with twitter is that 10 retweets is…
There Are No Proxy Votes
The screams that I have to vote Romney, or I’m in effect voting on Obama are weak. People need to stop and think about that a little. If you make this argument, you should know you make yourself look like…
My Voting Philosophy & Thoughts on the GOP
This is a follow-up to my last post, entitled “What should my political role be?“. That post got similar responses from all who weighed in, which basically boils down to “please keep doing what you’re doing, except please please vote…
What should my political role be?
I have a serious question for my Republican friends. Before I set up the question, let me give a little background about me and my political views. I am 34 years old, and I grew up in a staunchly Democratic…
HTPC: The Software
Just a few days ago, I published a post about my family’s new Home Theater PC. That post focussed on the hardware I used to put together the machine. Today I’ll discuss the software. First and foremost is Windows 7.…
Raspberry Pi
I’m very excited about the Raspberry Pi, a small computer, about the size of a credit card, that sells for just $35 and has a lot of power. It has an ARM processor running at 700MHz, 256MB RAM, runs off…
HTPC: The Build
I’m currently in the latter stages of transitioning my family away from cable/satellite for our TV service toward just using over-the-air, along with the internet. I’ve been a DirecTV customer since the summer of 2001, and the service, along with…