I’ve been using Linux for over a decade. In fact, the original blog that this one forked off from was hosted on a linux machine in my bedroom. However, I am still, after a decade, a bit of a novice.…
Snapshot: GOP Candidates
The GOP Primary season continues to roll on. Last night was the latest “debate” hosted by CNN in Las Vegas. I haven’t been terribly impressed with the candidates so far, and my opinion isn’t getting any better. Here’s how I…
Saving Social Security
There is a lot of talk about government programs these days, especially entitlement programs, in light of the crippling debt that Washington is heaping on us all and the programs they intend to spend that money on. I can’t remember…
iPad 2: My latest gadget
Preface The following is going to bore 99% of the population. These are my personal thoughts on a new device, along with the background of how I got to where I am today in regard to my views on the…
Slavery, Racism, and the 3/5 Clause
Any time race and the Constitution comes up, it’s almost inevitable that someone involved in the conversation will accuse the Framers of the Constitution of severe racism, and point to the 3/5 Clause as evidence: Representatives and direct Taxes shall…
The XBox and the Lawn Mower
Two boys, Tyler and Dylan, 14-year-old twins who couldn’t be any different from each other, woke up one morning to find their grandfather Jim sitting at their kitchen table eating breakfast. Seeing Grandpa was quite a surprise, he lived more…
Why I’ll Never Run for Office
Politics is something that I follow a lot. It’s not necessarily that I enjoy politics, that would be akin to enjoying watching farmers shovel manure in a cattle barn, but rather it’s a desire to leave a better world for…
Dawn of a New Era
Today marks a turning point in my life on the web. The creation of this site marks a split with Echo Zoe. For the past two years, Echo Zoe has been moving in the direction of becoming a much more…
Tough Questions for Republicans
Over the last couple of years, I have drastically reduced the amount of posts I do on political issues, to the point of doing almost none. This is something I thought was interesting though, and would like to share my…
Happy Reformation Day!
In honor of the 492nd anniversary of the Reformation, I give you the Reformation Polka, and all 95 of Luther’s Theses: Out of love and concern for the truth, and with the object of eliciting it, the following heads will…
Is it Really Hatred?
The Christian Worldview is often misunderstood, and often deliberately mischaracterized. The reality is that we begin with an understanding of the inherent evil that is within us all. Every man, woman and child ever born (excepting only Jesus Himself), has…
Followup: God’s Corrective Action
It’s been two weeks since the events of my previous post. In that time I have had the opportunity to discuss it more with others. I have found some people that whose opinions I greatly respect, and often influence my…
God’s Corrective Action
It’s been a few years since I’ve written about the amazing correlation between large-scale events that defy God and corresponding disaster. Back in September 2004, I wrote about Bill Koenig’s research into the U.S. Government putting pressure on Israel on…
Joseph Stalin and Al Franken
In my previous post, I described some of the maintenance I’m doing to the site to clean things up. Among other things, I’m going through posts filed under the “General” category and putting them where they belong, as most of…